FAQs > Open API Products Subscriptions

How can I submit subscription?

After logging into your account, you can select any available Open API Products under the “Products” page. Just enter your new product subscription name, read & agree to the Terms and Conditions, and then click on the subscribe button. You will then receive an auto generated notification email from the Open API Portal providing further instruction.

For all subscriptions to Application-type of Open API Products (i.e. Phase II Open API), you would have to submit the TSP assessment forms in addition to completing the subscription request. Please be reminded to follow the instructions on the notification email.

How many Open API Products can I subscribe to in one account?

Currently, there is no limit on the number of Open API Products that an account can subscribe to.

Is there an expiry date for my subscription’s Primary and Secondary key?

No, neither key expires. In addition, you can refresh both keys’ subscription under the “Profile” page if needed.